Middle School Top 10 – 10/15/13

I’m going to try something new this year: middle school rankings. I only have about four tournaments in my stats, so obviously this won’t hold too much meaning towards teams that haven’t played yet.

This is going to be less of a priority than the high school rankings. So between that and the smaller number of tournaments, there will be fewer ranked teams.

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1st Top 50 – 10/14/13

Yep, updated rankings. Lots of changes. Things will get clearer in a few months; I’m waiting for adjustments on sets’ PPBs to clear up, not to mention the actual performances of teams.

Edit 1: Removed a fake DCC B from the rankings as well as a duplicate set of rankings; added Olmsted Falls and St. Mark
Edit 2: I somehow can’t spell “Crest.”
Edit 3: Turns out that DCC and Wilmington Charter’s stats from Princeton were incorrect on the original source I used. I updated their rankings, which drops them to 18th and 19th in the country.
Edit 4: Corrected mislabeling of Seven Lakes A as B.

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